Stuck at home? Here are 101 frugal, fun and productive things to do at home to make the most of your days and evenings, and never get bored
Hello my beautiful friends.
We’re living in a very strange moment: there’s large areas and whole countries where it’s being recommended to stay home and don’t go out if not strictly necessary. And yet so many people are panicking at the idea of not being able to go to the pub for a couple of weeks… Really? Do they hate their homes so much? Or are their lives so boring? Come on, staying home is not so bad, and if it can help the situation and prevent more people from getting sick (especially the elderly and the weakest) why wouldn’t you? :)
Now, whether you’re sick, you’re forced to do a staycation, or you’re making the best out of the Coronavirus quarantine, here are 101 ideas to make the most of your days and evenings at home and never, ever get bored… (there’s a downloadable list at the end if you want to save it!)
101 frugal, fun and productive things to do at home
- 1. Backup your computer files
- 2. Bake a cake
- 3. Brainstorm your hobbies and find new things you want to learn
- 4. Build a blanket fort
- 5. Build small pieces of furniture
- 6. Call the people you love
- 7. Change all your passwords and store them in a safe place
- 8. Clean and organize your fridge
- 9. Clean out your garage / attic
- 10. Clean your computer desktop, sort files and delete digital clutter.
- 11. Create a bucket list of things to do… later…
- 12. Create a family tree
- 13. Create a monthly budget
- 14. Create a mood board (I use Pinterest for this but you can make a real one)
- 15. Create a wall gallery and hang your pictures
- 16. Create an evacuation bag with a change of clothes, some canned food and first aid kit
- 17. Create or organize your first aid kit
- 18. Declutter your beauty products
- 19. Declutter your phone photo gallery
- 20. Declutter your wardrobe
- 21. Design your t-shirts to sell
- 22. Digital scrapbooking
- 23. Do yoga – get a 2-week trial and unlimited yoga class streaming for ONLY $1 at
- 24. Empty and organize your junk drawer
- 25. Empty your inbox, reply to emails
- 26. Feng Shui your home
- 27. Finish any unfinished projects (DIY, work, etc)
- 28. Gather and organize all your important papers/documents
- 29. Give a massage to your significant other
- 30. Give your dog a bath
- 31. Go for a quite walk in nature, away from everyone
- 32. Improve your brain/memory
- 33. Improve your calligraphy and hand lettering
- 34. Learn a foreign language
- 35. Learn a new skill online
- 36. Light a fire in your backyard and spend the night outside
- 37. Listen to a podcast
- 38. Listen to a self-growth audiobook
- 39. Listen to music
- 40. Make a bird feeder
- 41. Make a DIY scalp scrub
- 42. Make a DIY wooden poster hanger frame
- 43. Make a DIY succulent terrarium
- 44. Make your own smudge sticks
- 45. Make your own DIY hand sanitizer
- 46. Make your own Vegan icecream
- 47. Meal prep and batch cook your family’s favorite Vegan recipes for the week ahead
- 48. Meditate
- 49. Movie marathon + popcorn
- 50. Organize a picnic in your living room/garden
- 51. Organize a proper staycation
- 52. Organize your bedroom
- 53. Organize your laundry room
- 54. Organize your phone and delete unused apps
- 55. Organize your Pinterest boards
- 56. Paint
- 57. Plant vegetables
- 58. Play a tutorial on Youtube
- 59. Play a board game – we love Carcassonne!
- 60. Play an instrument (or learn how to)
- 61. Play dress-up with your kids with items from your closet
- 62. Play karaoke with Youtube lyrics’ videos
- 63. Practice Gratitude
- 64. Practice Mindfulness
- 65. Practice origami
- 66. Practice drawing
- 67. Read a book
- 68. Rearrange your furniture
- 69. Re-organize your kitchen cabinets
- 70. Research potential side hustles
- 71. Roast and grind your own coffee
- 72. Sell your stuff online to become more minimalist
- 73. Sew missing buttons / finish little sewing tasks
- 74. Sleep, take a nap, rest, relax. It’s important too!
- 75. Sow some flower seeds
- 76. Spend quality time with your Animal companions
- 77. Spring clean your home (no matter the season!)
- 78. Stargaze from your backyard/your window
- 79. Start a blog!
- 80. Start a bullet journal to keep track of all the new activities you’re undertaking
- 81. Start a journal or write in it
- 82. Start a virtual book club with your (online) friends
- 83. Take a bubble bath or do an extensive beauty routine
- 84. Take a cold shower à la Wim Hoff
- 85. Take online quizzes
- 86. Take photos of items you want to sell online
- 87. Take time to watch a beautiful sunset or sunrise
- 88. Tea ceremony
- 89. Tend to your garden or indoor plants
- 90. Tour a city on Google Maps
- 91. Track your expenses
- 92. Turn up the music and dance! It counts as a light workout
- 93. Unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters (hey, not mine!)
- 94. Upcycle old clothes
- 95. Visit online museum galleries
- 96. Watch a documentary
- 97. Watch an inspiring Ted Talk
- 98. Watch your favorite movie
- 99. Workout at home
- 100. Write a letter to a special someone
- 101. Write a list of the small things that make you happy. Start with 3, go for 10, try to reach 100 :)
And there you have it, an extensive (but not exhaustive) list of things to do at home and never, ever get bored :) I hope you guys enjoyed reading but please feel free to add in the comments below what are your favorite things to do
Also don’t forget to pin this post to share the love ♥
I wish you a love-filled day xoxo
Oh my, you have no idea how I needed this! So many great ideas :)
Hope you’re doing fine during this crazy moment xoxoxoxoxo
Hey Dana, thank you for your comment. All is ok for now (crossing my fingers)
I’m so glad you find this list useful :)
This is the best I’ve found! Thank you for all the great ideas including some self-care reminders. Hope all is well. First time on your site and looking forward to reading more. Take care.
thank you so much for your comment Kimberly! I’m glad these ideas can be of any help. Please stay safe xoxo
Well written, awesome post on things to do in free time.