Find many seasonal recipes inspired by the flavors of fall, such as pumpkins, mushrooms, beets, celeriac, cabbages and so on, for healthy and delicious Vegan Fall Recipes ideas. Hello my beautiful friends! I do not know about you, but I…
Diwali Vegan recipes (dairy-free & egg-free)
Superfood Chocolate-chia pudding – nutritious, satisfying and so easy-to-make
20 amazing Vegan Slow-Cooker recipes for busy week nights
If you never have enough time to prepare a home-made dinner during those hectic week nights, a slow-cooker might become your best friend: it does all the work for you! I’ve assembled 25 of the best Vegan Slow-Cooker recipes so…
Get rid of toxins: 7-day Vegan detox meal plan
Guest post by Helen Do you want to eat healthier for a week and easily get rid of toxins? Here is a 7 day Vegan detox meal plan you’ll love Toxins have a way of staying in our systems for…
Basil, Lemon & Ginger Green Smoothie
Guest post by Joey Are you looking for the perfect refreshing treat for a warm summer day? Look no further. This Basil Lemon Ginger Green Smoothie provides a unique and delicious flavor combination that’s perfect for sipping on the deck…
How to make a Vegan charcuterie board / Vegan antipasto platter
If you’re looking for a really easy and fun entertaining idea, learn how to make a Vegan charcuterie board/antipasto platter that everybody will enjoy! Hello my beautiful friends, the sweet long summer nights are finally here, and so is entertaining…
Heal your body with Vegan “bone” broth
The ultimate Chocolate-chip Cookies
These Vegan Chocolate chip cookies are a chocolate-chip cookie lover’s dream-come-true: soft and chewy, with loads of dark chocolate chunks and the perfect texture to be dunked in some cold plant-based milk for the ultimate comfort food ♡ Hello my…