Guest post by Cassi
Today I have a special guest post by Cassi, the creator of CuratedCassi, sharing with SevenRoses’ readers a very interesting post about Sustainable Fashion. So if you want to find out how to make more eco-friendily fashion choices, please welcome Cassi as she shares her simple tips on how to shop sustainably with us!
The environmental movement has been picking up momentum in the past several years. In an effort to help the planet, people are turning to renewable energy, going zero-waste, and eating more eco-friendly diets. But did you know that your clothing could be ruining the environment?
The fashion industry accounts for 8% of global emissions. A piece of clothing racks up a sizable environmental footprint – from its production to its transportation and ending with its end-of-life disposal. If you truly want to be a friend to the environment, you should consider ditching conventional fashion for sustainable fashion (not sure how? Read: Ethical fashion brands at low prices for back to college – or work)
What is Sustainable Fashion?
A huge movement is underway to produce clothing and accessories in a way that minimizes damage to the environment. Brands and designers are committing to using eco-friendly production, distribution and marketing practices. They are choosing to make high-quality items from sustainably sourced textiles and using non-toxic fabric dyes. And they’re limiting the amount of product they produce to reduce overstock-related waste.
But the sustainable fashion movement isn’t based solely on the decisions of clothing brands. Eco-conscious consumers are making purchasing decisions with the environment in mind. They are refusing to buy into the fast fashion cycle, opting for minimalism over excess. And when these eco-fashionistas decide to make purchases, they make sure their garments are designed with environmental sustainability as a priority.
Do you want to join the eco fashion movement? You can start today by making small changes to your consumption habits by following these three simple tips.
Three Simple Tips for Shopping Sustainably
1) Reduce Consumption
The most eco-friendly thing you can do for the environment is to buy less. Every time you buy a piece of clothing, you’re telling the clothing brand, “Hey, I like this! Make more of it!” That leads to more pollution from clothing factories and their distribution channels. Then, when you decide you no longer want that item, it will be discarded and possibly end up in a landfill. Even in the best-case scenario, your discarded clothing will be recycled at the end of its life. But this still requires energy and creates pollution.
To be a truly eco-conscious fashion consumer, you need to change your mindset about consumption. Make a commitment to buy less and be mindful about the things you decide to purchase.
Are you looking for more tips on how to be an eco-friendly consumer?
2) Buy High Quality
It’s tempting to shop at stores like Target, H&M and Forever21 because their prices are so low. But their garments are cheaply produced and aren’t designed to last for more than a few wears. Sure, you can buy ten shirts for less than $100 at these retailers, but you’ll just have to buy ten more next year.
Instead, think about your clothing purchases as investments – for yourself and for the environment. Save up for high-quality, timeless pieces that you can wear for years to come. You will ultimately buy fewer items and you’ll be encouraged to take better care of the things you do buy.
3) Look for Natural or Upcycled Fibers
Natural fibers like linen ans cotton are more eco-friendly options than their synthetic counterparts. They require less energy to produce and they are biodegradable – that means they can be composted at the end of their life cycle and won’t end up taking up space in a landfill for hundreds of years.
But beware! Just because a textile is made from natural fibers, that doesn’t mean it is good for the environment. Crops like cotton and flax (linen) require significant pesticide use that can pollute waterways, harm local wildlife and injure farmworkers. When possible, opt for organic textiles.
And for eco-bonus points, consider buying clothes made from upcycled fabric remnants. When conventional clothing brands make their garments, they cut their patterns from large rolls of fabric. Remaining fabric pieces that are too small to use or sell are sent off to landfills. A growing number of sustainable fashion brands are making creative and fashionable pieces from the remnant materials.
Ready to check out some sustainable fashion brands?
Let’s make a commitment to the planet and join the sustainable fashion movement. Buy less and buy better. The environment will thank us!
Cassi is a scientist during the day and writes about eco fashion and sustainable living over at after her kids are in bed at night.
At Curated Cassi you’ll find tips for building an eco-friendly wardrobe, styling eco fashion items, and living a more sustainable lifestyle.
You can also follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest
Thank you for this post! I’m a total newbie when it comes to sustainable fashion and as I strive to be a zero waste Vegan this is an aspect I need to implement in my life ! Much love to you and Cassi ♥
Thank you Samantha, I’m glad you enjoyed this post. I’m a newbie too in this realm, and I’ve learned so much from Cassi’s post!
I agree with you for buying high quality clothes, but isn’t it hard to choose natural or upcycled fabrics everytime in the hectic everyday life?
Great points. I’m not just too convinced that people who only care about clothes are doing enough. Most pollution and destruction of our planet comes from the meat industry, do they realize?
There are a lot of aspects to an item of clothing that make it either sustainable or not sustainable!
Great tips! Thanks! Trying to switch to sustainable living as a whole, and this post is very helpful
Your tips are constructive.
Thanks for sharing!
I love those tips! Really great fashion blog. It’s not so hard to look amazing in some expensive and fancy dress. But, the problem is to use simple clothes and look stunning! Thanks to this blog, you can do that very easy. Just follow the tips! Do you like to wear jeans all the time?
What do you think about H&M?